USS McClusky FFG-41
Message Board

Sept. 17, 2010

I would very much like to see some current pictures of the USS McClusky posted. My son is an ET on the ship and I would love to use the more current pictures when I am teaching density to my 5th graders.  I love having them puzzle out why solid steel ships don't just sink.

Linda Voller
Proud Mommy of a Sailor and Teacher

May 4, 2009

Is the Captain if the "McClusky" the same CDR Johnny Schultz that served in Afghanistan in 2005-2006. If so, I worked with him there and remember him telling me he was getting a ship. If so, it would be nice to email him.

David K. Whiteman, MPM

Sept. 23, 2007

Please excuse this intrusion on your time. I am currently writing a biography of Rear Admiral C. Wade McClusky and wondered whether the ship named in his honor could contribute any photos, memoirs of the man, present-day descendants and other research material to help in this enjoyable task? If you can assist in any way I would be most grateful.

Thank you,
Peter C. Smith

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