HMS Amethyst U-16 / F-116
Related Material

Nov. 16, 1949:
Article submitted by Thomas J. Flanagan, R.N.
Nov. 17, 1949:
Article submitted by Robert W. Green
Aug. 1957:
Article submitted by Robert W. Green
Apr. 22, 1959:
By Lt. Col. R. V. Dewar-Durie, R.N.
Sept. 1979:
By W.R.N. Hughes, R.C.N.C.
Oct. 10, 2000:
By Stephen Naysmith
Nov. 2005:
By Ray Calcott, R.N.
June 30, 2007:
By Gary Kirkland
May 5, 2008:
Photos and articles
May 5, 2008:
Courtesy of Charlie Chivers, R.N.
Apr. 19, 2008:
By John Ritchie
Jan. 29, 2005:
By Emily Pykett
By Lt. Cmdr. K. Stewart Hett, M.B.E., R.N. (Ret.)

By Bernard Hinchey, R.N.
By Jan K. Herman
Courtesy of William Leitch, R.N.
By William Leitch, R.N.
Book by William Leitch, R.N.
Feb. 14, 2009:
Courtesy of Charlie Chivers, R.N.
Mar. 8, 2009
Photos by John Ferguson
June 6, 2009:
By Derek Hodgson, R.N.
Aug. 29, 2009:
Publication released after the escape
Aug. 29, 2009:
Front pages from various newspapers
Sept. 2, 2009:
By Peter Wright
Apr. 18, 2010:
Courtesy of John Smith
Nov. 7, 2010:
By Charlie Chivers, R.N.
Nov. 21, 2010:
Courtesy of William Leitch, R.N.
Nov. 21, 2010:
Courtesy of George Hickinbottom, R.N.
Jan. 29, 2011:
Courtesy of Derek Hodgson, R.N.
Oct. 3, 2014:
Courtesy of Gilly O'Reilly and the
HMS Amethyst Association

Aug. 25, 2015:
Courtesy of Gilly O'Reilly and the
HMS Amethyst Association

May 28, 2016:
Courtesy of Gilly O'Reilly and the
HMS Amethyst Association

Jan. 5, 2017:
Courtesy of Gilly O'Reilly and the
HMS Amethyst Association
Apr. 11, 2018:
Courtesy of Gilly O'Reilly and the
HMS Amethyst Association
Nov. 29, 2018:
Courtesy of Gilly O'Reilly and the
HMS Amethyst Association
May 18, 2019:
Courtesy of Gilly O'Reilly and the
HMS Amethyst Association
July 23, 2019:
Courtesy of Bruce Rowling and
Dawn Kerr
Dec. 3, 2019:
Courtesy of Gilly O'Reilly and the
HMS Amethyst Association
Apr. 9, 2020:
Courtesy of Kylie Knott and the
South China Morning Post

Related Material
Page published May 25, 2008