HMS Glory
Message Board

Feb. 4, 2012

I'm trying to track down any information on my father, William George Kelso, who served on board the HMS Glory in World War 2. I believe he was on board when the signing of the Japanese surrender was signed. I have a few photos etc. however my father never spoke of the war and passed on with lung problems. I look forward to any information at is available.

Ruth Davies

July 16, 2009

Is there someone out there with information about the crew of the HMS Glory, an aircraft carrier. I am searching for  photographs of the crew or my dad as we have lost the album with relevant photos. His name is Emmanuele Mifsud a Maltese National who served on the carrier during the 2nd World War. I remember seeing the photos especially one where hugh waves are crashing across the bow of this mighty aircraft carrier, very spectacular shot. Hope someone can help.


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Page published May 21, 2008