Victory Memorial Gardens
Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia
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The Sandakan Memorial which commemorates the Sandakan Death March in North Borneo during WWII.  Over 2,500 Australian and British POWs captured at Singapore, following the failed Malayan campaign and fall of Singapore, were transported and used a slave labour for the construction of an airfield at Sandakan.  Only 8 survived the brutal treatment and harsh conditions.

The Sandakan Memorial dedication plaque.

The sculpture atop of the Sandakan Memorial.

The Kapooka Monument commemorates 50th anniversary of the Kapooka Military Area at Wagga Wagga, an army training area established during 1942. This memorial comprises a 3 inch mortar and plaque.  Kapooka remains a training ground for the Australian Army.

The Kapooka Monument dedication plaque.
(All photos and text courtesy of Peter F. Williams)
© 2010 Peter F. Williams all rights reserved

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Page published Apr. 22, 2013