USS Iowa BB-61 |
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1. Dec. 17, 2011 The United States Navy has awarded stewardship of the USS Iowa (BB-61) to the PACIFIC BATTLESHIP CENTER of SAN PEDRO, CALIFORNIA . Robert Kent is the man who fought tirelessly (and continues to do so) to SAVE The IOWA. Many other worthy supporters were there to make a West coast battleship museum a reality. Of the two competitors (Vallejo, CA was the other), only The Pacific Battleship Center was deemed by the US Navy to be fully prepared -- financially and otherwise -- to take-on the huge task of preparing the historic battleship as a floating museum and educational center (and much more). What had happened to the USS IOWA? For the last 10 years, the battleship had been anchored at the MARAD facility - "the mothball fleet" - at Suisun Bay, California (an inland waterway about 25 miles above San Francisco). Although her exterior shows the wear, her interior was well-protected by a system designed to remove damaging moisture - in a "ready-reserve" state. BUT on 27 October, 2011, four huge tractor tugboats began moving the great battleship out of the Bay, and on 28 October she tied-up at Richmond, California's Terminal 3 - where the Kaiser shipyards turned-out the Victory ships and Liberty ships, so important to the (WWII) war effort. What happens now? Richmond is where the USS Iowa will be prepared for the final 400-mile tow down the coast of California, in early 2012. As of December 2011: Some of her decks are being replaced. She is being evaluated to assure she will make the journey safely; and her hull will be water-blasted and repainted, in an environmentally-safe manner. It's expected she'll be ready for the next move in early 2012. Currently the forward portion of the main deck with a view of turrets 1 & 2 is open to guests. As work is completed, additional exhibits and areas on the battleship may be open to the public for visitation. It is encouraged to return to see the progress. Reservations are not required. USS IOWA is located at Terminal 3, 1411 Harbour Way, Richmond CA. The Battleship Expo can be accessed via the northeast gate. Opening the Iowa to the public and former shipmates: The grand opening is scheduled for the 4th of July, 2012 at the Port of Los Angeles, California - Berth 87, in the City of San Pedro, California. The Iowa Veterans Association is already planning its 2012 reunion to coincide with the grand opening. Information: The Pacific Battleship center website is at Plankowner memberships and donations Facebook for the USS Iowa is Twitter users, PACIFIC BATTLESHIP CENTER P.O.Box 1739 San Pedro, CA 90733-1739 Contact Us It's worth noting that the competitor's website still solicits donations. Make sure you are using the Pacific Battleship Center links shown above. Greg Bishop - Retired Fire Captain, Orange County (CA) Fire Authority Son of Earl C. Bishop, US Navy 1941-1955 (Died in service) Photographer and volunteer for the Pacific Battleship Center. |
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Page published Feb. 22, 2012 |