6th Australian Division Memorial
Sydney, Australia

A memorial to the 6th Australian Division, located at the north eastern end of Circular Quay, Sydney, from where they departed for North Africa during WW2, becoming the first Australian force to see action during the War. They were recalled to Australia for defence of the homeland following Japan's entry into the conflict, reinforcing and relieving the conscripted Militia who were making a fighting withdrawal in the face of overwhelming force during the Battle of the Kadoka Trail in July-August 1942, where the Japanese push over the Owen Stanley Ranges towards Port Moresby was stopped. This, along with the earlier victory over the Japanese flanking move at Milne Bay, where the Japanese were first defeated in a land campaign, dispelled the myth of Japanese 


Close-up of the plaque.


Close-up of the inscription.

(All photos and text courtesy of Peter F. Williams)
© 2009 Peter F. Williams all rights reserved


Page published Apr. 18, 2009