Korean War Photo Collection
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Unidentified building in Korea.

January 18, 1953: Damaged buildings at Seoul, Korea.

January 18, 1953: Damaged buildings at Seoul, Korea.

A damaged building in Korea.

A U.S. Army DUKW (a.k.a. Duck) amphibious vehicle coming ashore. USS Consolation AH-15 is seen at left in the background.

No caption.

No caption.

No caption.
This collection was donated to MaritimeQuest by an anonymous donor. They were all taken in Korea in 1952-1953 and are all previously unpublished. In some cases the information on the back of the original photograph was destroyed when the photos were glued into a photo album and removed. Some of the photos had no information on them. If you can provide any information about the subjects please email the webmaster.

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Page published Jan. 24, 2016