Daily Event for September 1, 2013

In the early morning hours of September 1, 1939 Hitler's war machine crossed the Polish frontier and began the invasion of Poland, in effect starting the Second World War. At this moment (Sept. 1, 2013) the world is waiting to see if another war will begin, this time between the United States and Syria. For several days the messages being given to the world and the Syrians is that the U.S.A. is going to attack, but it will be limited to a few days. They are even openly discussing which targets will be attacked and how they will be attacked. Why a nation would telegraph to an an enemy when, how and where they are going to attack is beyond comprehension. In 1939 it was much different.

The world knew that war was on the horizon and they were preparing for the eventual conflagration. The Germans by mid August had begun to move U-Boats and surface raiders out to sea, the British as well put the Royal Navy on alert, but did not inform Germany of what they were doing, they just did it. After the German invasion of Poland thie only warning they were given is the message below. The message was sent by Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and was short and to the point.

"I am to inform your Excellency that unless the German Government withdraw their forces from Poland His Majesty's Government will fulfill their obligation to Poland."

With that the die was cast. Of course in the weeks before much negotiations were made and this was no surprise, it does however illustrate the difference between how such situations were handled then and how they are handled now. A stark contrast for sure.
© 2013 Michael W. Pocock

September 1, 1939: Front page of The Paris News, Paris, Texas.

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