May 7, 1915 The U-20 operating off Ireland located a large ocean liner traveling unescorted. The passengers on board had heard of the Great War but most of the Americans had not been effected personally by it. Some even hoped to have a little war time adventure on their trip to England. They had been warned that all ships flying the British flag were fair game for U-boats, off the old head at Kinsale they got their wish. SMS U-20 fired her one and only torpedo at the four stacker, knowing she was carrying hundreds of civilians, including women and children. The single torpedo exploded below the bridge on the starboard side, soon a second explosion tore the bottom out of the ship. The cause of the second explosion has never been explained, but is thought by many to have been caused by military ordnance. Since the Lusitania was traveling at almost full speed the water was forced into the ship with such great force she went down in less than 18 minuets. One thousand one hundred and ninety eight people died when the Lusitania sank including over one hundred Americans. |
© 2006 Michael W. Pocock MaritimeQuest.com |
Lusitania portrait by Ken Marschall. |
© Ken Marschall all rights reserved Trans-Atlantic Designs Inc |