Admiral Lynde Dupuy McCormick USN

Lynde Dupuy McCormick was born in Annapolis, Md., 12 August 1895, son of Rear Adm. A. M. Depuy McCormick. After attending St. John's Preparatory School and College, he graduated from the Naval Academy with distinction 4 June 1915. He served in Wyoming with the British Grand Fleet during World War I, then in South Carolina and Buchanan. His commands at sea included Kennedy and submarines R-10 and V-2. An expert in logistics, he won the Legion of Merit and two gold stars in lieu of additional awards of the same decoration for service as war plans officer for the Pacific Fleet; as assistant chief of Naval Operations for Logistic Plans and chief adviser on logistics to the Joint Chiefs of Staff,-and as commander, Battleship Division 3 in action against Okinawa. As vice admiral he was deputy commander in chief, Pacific Fleet, then vice chief of Naval Operations. Upon the death of Adm. Forrest Sherman he became acting Chief of Naval Operations, then served as Commander in Chief, Atlantic Fleet and Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic under NATO. His final service was as president of the Naval War College. He died 16 August 1956 at Newport.

(Courtesy of the Naval Historical Center)


Page created Feb. 26, 2007