November 15, 1939: Front page of The Daily Mail, Hull, England. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
November 15, 1939: Front page of the Grimsby Evening Telegraph, Grimsby, England. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
November 15, 1939: Front page of the Press and Journal, Aberdeen, Scotland. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
November 15, 1939: Front page of The Sydney Sun, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
November 15, 1939: Front page of The Telegraph, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in column 8: "French Plane Sinks U-boat" |
(Up to this point in the war no French aircraft or warship had sunk a German submarine.) |
November 15, 1939: Front page of The Lethbridge Herald, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in column 2 "Japs Land In South China" |
Also note the report in column 8: "Italy Launches New Battleship" |
(The battleship Impero would never be completed, the hulk was scrapped in the late 1940's.) |
[More about Impero here .] |
November 15, 1939: Front page of The Winnipeg Tribune, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in column 5: "Suspends Teacher For Pro-Nazi Bias" |
(Another teacher would be fired in May of 1940 for support for Hitler.) |
November 15, 1939: Front page of Het Volksdagblad, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Dutch communist paper.) |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
November 15, 1939: Front page of The Telegraph-Herald, Dubuque, Iowa. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
November 15, 1939: Front page of The Charleston Gazette, Charleston, West Virginia. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in column 5: "Grapes of Wrath Is Called Obscene" |
(Now considered one of the greatest American novels of all time, many people, as seen in the report, were less than pleased with the book. The book was banned and burned in many American communities. This I would like to point out is the antithesis of Americanism.) |
November 15, 1939: Front page of The Port Arthur News, Port Arthur, Texas. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
November 15, 1939: Installment #4 of "Stalin Unmasked" from the San Antonio Light, San Antonio, Texas. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Take special note of the opening paragraph (reprinted below) keeping in mind what occurred this past summer in the western countries, especially the U.S.A. when college students trained primarily by leftist professors, rioted and destroyed so much property. After you read the paragraph below. think of how many times you have seen self described National Socialists Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tell college students that they are part of the "revolution." |
"The five years which the future Stalin spent in the Tiflis Seminary did not make him a priest. They made him a revolutionist. There is nothing exceptional in this. The rebellion at the heart of the Tsarist empire had long been breaking through the surface in the higher (college) schools, including seminaries. Several times in the years before Stalin entered the place, the Tiflis Seminary had been the scene of student riots." |
November 15, 1939: Front page of the Biddeford Daily Journal, Biddeford, Maine. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
Note the report in column 1: "Squalus Out Of Commission" |
(USS Squalus SS-192 sank while on driving trials on May 23, 1939.) |
[More about USS Squalus SS-192 here.] |
November 15, 1939: Front page of the Hamburger Neueste Zeitung, Altona, Hamburg, Germany. |
(Click on the image for a readable version.) |
1. Was gibt es auf die Reichskleiderkarte? |
(What is on the Reich clothing card?) |
2. Das 100= Punkte= System. Keine Bezugsscheine mehr - aber Berpflichtung zur Sparsamkeit. |
(The 100 point system. No more coupons, but a commitment to thrift.) |
Note the German claim of sinking 26,000 tons of British shipping can be seen at top right. Also note that the disaster in Venezuela is also covered in the German press, report at bottom center. |
Page published Nov. 15, 2020 |